
Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Jim Ecker, President & Editor

IGHSAU moving its offices to WDM

The Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union will be moving their offices to West Des Moines in December.

Effective December 15, the IGHSAU offices will be located at 5000 Westown Parkway in West Des Moines. The space will be leased from Knapp Properties Inc.

“The new location will allow more visibility and better accessibility for the IGHSAU,” said Mike Dick, Executive Director of the IGHSAU, “Having all of our offices on one level will  facilitate a more professional and collaborative approach for our staff. ”

The Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union has been headquartered at 2900 Grand Avenue in Des Moines since 1977. Prior to the IGHSAU’s acquisition of the property in 1977, 2900 Grand served as the residence for Iowa’s governors from 1949 to 1977. The IGHSAU had offices in the former Securities Building in downtown Des Moines (now site of the downtown Marriott) before moving to 2900 Grand.

The Iowa High School Speech Association, who has shared offices with the IGHSAU since 1963, will also move to the new Westown Parkway address in December.


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