Monday, February 10, 2025
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Jim Ecker, President & Editor

Jordan joins Board at Prospect Meadows

Angela Jordan knew she wanted to help when she heard about plans to build a major youth baseball and softball facility in Linn County.

Angela and her husband, Dennis, have three sons, all of whom played travel ball in various parts of the Midwest when they were younger. They did an awful lot of traveling.

“We were in Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City. Everywhere,” said Angela, who lives in Marion. “We had to spend more time in Des Moines than we could here because we didn’t have the facilities.

“When they started working on Prospect Meadows, we just knew we had to get involved and help with the fundraising, because it had to happen. It just had to happen.”

Private fundraising efforts have netted more than $6.5 million, providing about half the funds for the new complex. The grand opening is set for Thursday, May 23 with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 4 p.m., an open house at 5 p.m. and games at 5:30.

Prospect Meadows will feature eight regulation baseball fields this year and a Miracle Field for people with special needs. Eight more fields are scheduled to open in 2023.

Angela and numerous other people have made it happen with their fundraising efforts. Now she’s happily accepted a new role with Prospect Meadows as a member of their Board of Directors.

Like many other people who have been involved with the project, she is eagerly awaiting the Opening Day ceremonies on May 23. A Perfect Game youth baseball tournament will begin the next day on Friday, May 24.

“I’ve been out there and I see everything that’s happening, but I think until we actually have the ceremony and actually see kids playing out there, it won’t hit me,” Angela remarked. “It has been a long journey. I’m so grateful to see that the community has stepped up.”

Angela was a four-sport athlete at West Branch High School in volleyball, basketball, track and softball. She worked for the American Red Cross from 1998 to 2011, including seven years as executive director. She now owns her own health and wellness business.

"Angela will be a great addition to the Board of Directors, because of her skill set and passion for the game," said Jack Roeder, the general manager at Prospect Meadows. "In addition, she has seen first-hand what this type of facility can mean for a community. We are very fortunate she accepted our invitation."

Angela and Jack have known each other for a number of years.

“My oldest son played with Jack’s grandson for the last couple of years before they were done (with youth baseball),” she explained. “And so we got to know Jack a little bit there.”

Angela says it would have been fun for her sons to have played at Prospect Meadows instead of traveling all over the midwest, but she sees a future silver lining.

“It would have been nice,” she acknowledged, “but you know what? We figure we’ll have grandkids who can play out there. We’re thinking long-term.”

Angela joined the Board of Directors last month. It was a quick and easy decision.

“I accepted immediately,” she said. “I’m thrilled. I don’t think the Metro area has any idea what’s going to hit them – until it hits them.

“The teams that come out to play are just going to be amazed, and then the word is going to spread like wildfire: ‘Oh my gosh, we’ve got a world-class facility here.' Finally."



+ Jack Roeder, President

Former GM of Cedar Rapids Kernels

+ Tim Strellner, VP/Chairman Fundraising Committee

Strellner Insurance Agency, Owner

+ Rick Freese, Secretary

Freese Well Drilling, Owner

+ Tom Brandt

Central State Bank, Business Director

+ Steve Hammes

INTEGRUS Consulting LLC, Managing Director

+ Troy McQuillen

Kirkwood CC, VP Facilities & Security

+ Mark Mattke

Doc Data Inc., Vice President

+ Tracy Tritle

Tritle Consulting Group, Principal & CEO

+ Jim Van Scoyoc

Norway Baseball Association, President

+ Dan Strellner

AbbeHealth, President-Retired

+ Charlie Weber

Carson Wealth Management, Managing Partner

+ Angela Jordan

Health & Wellness company, Owner


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