Lollipop gang supports Moses' Hawks
First, there was the old Telly Savalas “Kojak” television detective character always sucking on a lollipop.
Now, during warm-ups before every Prairie boys basketball game, there’s the ever-dapper Coach James Moses strolling up and down the court with a Tootsie Pop planted firmly in his cheek.
“Preferably orange,” he says, to match the team’s color scheme.
In his second year at the helm of a resurgent Prairie program, the debonair coach’s pregame ritual has become such a trademark that fans are following in his suede-loafer footprints.
Prior to last week’s home game against North Scott, basketball booster club president Dave Rasmussen passed through stands with a big bag of suckers to hand out. No doubt he'll do the same thing Tuesday tonight as well when the Hawks host Mount Pleasant.